(set #kickstart37 "Sorry, but SysLog requires AmigaDos 2.04.")
(set #begin_install "\nYou're about to install SysLog. If you need any help, just press the HELP-button.\n\nYou can always abort the installation and the installed parts will be safely deleted.\n\nIf you decide to uninstall SysLog, there's a program available for this purpose.")
(set #uninstall "\n\n\n\nIf you want to uninstall SysLog, use the supplied uninstall program.\n\n\n\n")
(set #dir_prompt "Where should SysLog be installed? A drawer named `SysLog' will be created there. If you're updating from a previous version, select the directory containing the SysLog drawer.")
(set #dir_help "A good place to install SysLog is your WORK: partition or if it isn't available, the SYS: partition.\n\nIf you're updating from a previous version, you must select the directory where the SysLog drawer is, not the SysLog drawer. For example WORK: but not WORK:SysLog/.\n\n")
(set #doc_askansi "\nDo you want to use ANSI format codes in the ASCII documentation?")
(set #ansi_yes "Yes, use ANSI")
(set #ansi_no "No, don't use ANSI")
(set #conv_doc "Converting documentation")
(set #addcmds "The following instructions will be added to your \"S:User-Startup\" file so that your system will be properly configured to use SysLog.\n\nPath %s Add\nRun <NIL: >NIL: %s/SysLogDaemon")
(set #addhelp "This will add some commands to your S:User-Startup file to allow the correct operation of SysLog. SysLog will be started when you boot your Amiga.\n\n")
(set #abort_remove "Installation aborted. Do you want to delete the files that were installed?\n\nIf you are updating an existing version of SysLog, it may have already been overwritten, so you must reinstall it.\n\n")
(set #abort_rem_yes "Yes, remove")
(set #abort_rem_no "No")
(set #remcmds "\nCommands added to your \"S:User-Startup\" file will now be removed.")
(set #remhelp "The installation program has added commands to your \"S:User-Startup\" file. These will now be removed, nothing else will be deleted or changed.\n\n")
(set #userstartup "; SysLog installation was aborted.")
(set #thanks "\nThank you for installing SysLog.\n\nNow you must reboot the machine to start the SysLogDaemon.")